Line of musicians
Felip CERVERA Marquès
Castelló d'Empúries 1863
Figueres 1930
He was born in Castelló d'Empúries on November 18, 1863, son of Josep Cervera-Rocalba and Isabel Cervera-Marquès.
Married first (1886) with Berta and Teresa Berta-Freixas form the village of Roses, they had three children: Francesca, Jaume and Carme. When his wife Isabel died (1900) he married (1901) with her sister Carme, and they had two sons, Josep and Anna Maria. He spent the main part of his life in Figueres, but they passing seasons in his parents' house in Roses.
Still being a small child he was enyirely devoted to music getting their lessons from his father, the only teacher he had. With great musical skills should be regarded, therefore, a self-taught. It had a global domain of all the instruments of the orchestra, though mostly piano, flute and instruments that were usually played the clarinet and the tenora.
His father paid him a stay in Barcelona to learn the craft of shoe, cut leather and hand made shoes. With his brothers Augustí and Jaume shared a piano business ( sale, rental and repair) in Figueres. Still, however, his dedication to music was full. So in 1884 he entered the Orchestra of Peralada also with his father Josep and his brother Agustí. By the year 1900 he joined the Orchestra song "Antiuga Pep" in Figueres for 10 years. He was the director of the choir of the Choral Society Erato in Figueres, he was music teacher at the school of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and Chapel Master of the parish of San Pere also in Figueres.
He was a prolific composer, for both secular and the religious music, pieces for concert, religious music, caramelles, marches, Sardanas, etc. Unfortunately very little production have been preserved from destruction. Close the end of his life, in Figueres on 14 October 1930, he ordered to his son, Josep-Maria, to burn all the music as an act of humility. His son could save from destruction just a very few pieces like a choral piece titled "La Fira de Santa Cruz" and a religious song "Let your high purity." From the wide range of Sardanas he could save: "Two Nightingales", "Two canaries", "Euphrosyne", "Rosalina", "Honorata" "Leosina", a short Sardana "Dawn of love", etc..
The sardana titled "Two canaries" was recorded by La Principal del Llobregat (Columbia CS8269) with soloists flute Josep Vila and Jordi Leon the one who made the arragements. Jordi Leon said that Felipe Cervera "has been a forgotten musician and refined composer. " Another Sardana composed by Felip Cervera "La Calandria" appears recorded on a vinile from 1970 by the Cobla City of Barcelona (Regal J 048-20327) with Narciso Pauli as a solo flute. It must be mentioned that he appears erroneously titled "La Calandria trills" and the composer as author N. Paulís, but was just the arranger of the pieces of Cervera. Later on the mistake was ammended and in the new release with the the title and the author. Felip Cervera was a man of goodness and humility, he never considered himself as a musician and also never gave a value of his compositions. The fact of burn all his works demonstrates the opinion of himself not to be considered as a great musician. Josep Grahit says in his "Recull sardanístic" (Girona, 1916) that Cervera "belongs to the old school. He is from Figueres. Among other Sardanas he composed" Anita "," Mischief " (revessa)."
In the coblas contest held in Barcelona for the festivity of "La Mercè" in 1902, the Orfeó Cassanenc got an honorable mention with the Cobla "Antiga Pep" that performed a sardana "Moonbeam" and composed by Felip Cervera