To talk about this cobla so closely linked to the Cervera family saga we will reproduce the texts contained in the often cited "Recull SardanÃstic" (Sardanistic Compendium) by Josep Grahit (1916) and part of the article "La cobla orquestra Antiga Pep de Figueres y los musicos de Roses "signed by Emili Cervera Lliuró, published in the program of the major festival of Roses in 1985.
"Undoubtedly, the oldest cobla of those existing today, and we could even say of all those that have existed, is the one that bears the title, the one that heads these lines. As its name indicates, it is the one founded by the famous composer Pep Ventura, which is why he has already lived for more than sixty years, because as indicated in the place where we dealt with the aforementioned author, sardanas were played in front of Queen Elizabeth II in Montserrat back in 1860, and that by then this formation already had some time of life.
We can add the titles that the cobla-orchestra recorded in 1913 at the French record company Pathè. Furon the habaneras of Albert Cotó: "La Bienechura", "Malvina", "My Queen", "The conversion", "On the banks of the Nile", "The last tear" (violin soloist E. Sans), "The jockey "," El canario ", (soloist E. Sans), the waltzes" El battler "(Massana)," El seductor "(Perich) and the sardanas" El pardal "(Pep Ventura)," Flors boscanes "(Morera) , "La font del Fresser" (Morera), "Brots de llorer" (Soler), "Enyorança" (Sans), "Catalunya" (Sans), "La pubilla empordanesa" (Serra), "Cercant aimada", (Serra ), "Mainada" (Morera), "Lo cant del pastoret" (Pep Ventura).